Food for thoughts ...

Being a foodie sometimes i just wonder who taught us to cook rice, to make bread and so many of those delicious dishes, cooked and processed saviors that helped us to survive every day. Who was that first man/woman who invented those , yes as per me these inventions are life changing and no where less than any major scientific revolutions that we observed. When we were living in the cave also i read that human started learn the usage of fire. But the major breakthrough is knowing the usage of Salt. How many of the human sacrificed their life as a young apprentice while trying some new fruit / fish/ milk. Not everything is edible in this world. Out of those trillions things to figure out and eat what is right, that is a great elimination round that we have passed without any trace. Current form of Homo Sapiens exists in this world around 200,000 years ( source ) so how eventually the food also evolve in different phases around the same duration of time. Like our...