FASTING - What is for ?

In all the religions there are significant importance of fasting. Everyone from ancient time suggested human to fast for certain days in a year. Modern day also there are so many different type of fasting exists like intermittent fasting, 3 days fasting , water fasting , N number of days fasting etc. Recently there was a event that happened at my personal life that trigger my thought is 'what is this fasting'? Is it only fasting from food ? or fasting from thoughts , fasting over bad words , fasting over negativity , fasting over greed , fasting over lust, fasting over jealousy, i can go on... there are so many different kind of feelings that drive us crazy sometimes. I usually fast on Monday not a very strict fast but i dont eat carbohydrate during daytime and eat sattvic meal at night. I observed that most of the time i end my day either grumbling or complaining, why so ? That's when i am realizing that when the instruction of fast is provided its also fast from lots o...