The Evening ...

I attended a talk show by famous personality like "Gulzar Sahib" over the week end. Most of the crowd were 40+ and was profoundly waiting to get a sip of relaxation from this famous diverse personality. I used to read and recite poem, poetry since i was in class 12. After that last 24 years was playing 'tag' game with life. How many target i can touch vs how many will run away from I forgot that highest form of human relaxation can be achieved through imagination. Just pure and intellectual imagination that will lead to ultimate form of stress buster. I grew up with reading "Tagore" , Najrul , Jobadanondo Das, Sukanto so many more that i forgot the names. After spending this evening with Gulzar , i am more determined to rejuvenate my rendezvous with poetry ... :-) Lets see... will keep myself posted. This evening struck me to think association of human civilization and poetry, songs , pure good talk without any adulteration. From the beginning of...