The Evening ...

I attended a talk show by famous personality like "Gulzar Sahib" over the week end. Most of the crowd were 40+ and was profoundly waiting to get a sip of relaxation from this famous diverse personality. I used to read and recite poem, poetry since i was in class 12. After that last 24 years was playing 'tag' game with life. How many target i can touch vs how many will run away from I forgot that highest form of human relaxation can be achieved through imagination. Just pure and intellectual imagination that will lead to ultimate form of stress buster. I grew up with reading "Tagore" , Najrul , Jobadanondo Das, Sukanto so many more that i forgot the names. After spending this evening with Gulzar , i am more determined to rejuvenate my rendezvous with poetry ... :-) Lets see... will keep myself posted.

This evening struck me to think association of human civilization and poetry, songs , pure good talk without any adulteration. From the beginning of the days when human was living in caves, fine art was part of their live in form of cave painting, pottery, scripts, verses , songs how many of them which i dont even know the names. Science says that reviving creative mind helps us with anti aging.

From that evening i love all the poems that 'Gulzar Sahib' recited in front of us. But one poem that stood out was the following about how one poet can leave an impression on generations and world with their work.

"ek dehaatee sar pe gud kee bhelee baandhe" . This poem left me mesmerizing.
एक देहाती सर पे गुड की भेली बांधे,

लम्बे- चौडे एक मैदा से गुज़र रहा था
गुड की खुशबु सुनके भिन-भिन करती
एक छतरी सर पे मंडलाती थी
धूप चढ़ती और सूरज की गर्मी पहुची तो
गुड की भेली बहने लगी

मासूम देहाती हैरा था
माथे से मीठे-मीठे कतरे गिरते थे
और वो जीभ से चाट रहा था!

मै देहाती.........
मेरे सर पर ये टैगोर की कविता की भेली किसने रख दी!

गुलजार - Gulzar

Now a days after reading any book, watching any good movies, listening to any good talk show, it takes time for my mind to process and digest that information :-) . Sign of aging... below is the picture of me and my husband after a long time well spend time together. Thanks to my dear friend for capturing this moment :-). I want to call it an evening with a famous saying  from Kobiguru Rabindranath Tagore Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.” ( ref - link )


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