Mobile-tracker ----Amazing technology

Last friday i lost my mobile. I am having the SAMSUNG mobile which is having the "mobile-tracking software". Abhishek,my husband registered his number in that mobile-tracking software long ago.As soon as i lost my mobile i tried to call on my number to figure out where i left it but the mobile was not reachable. I was very upset with this whole incident as the mobile was gifted to me. Anyway in the night around 10 pm Abhishek tole me that he has received the number of the guy who has picked up my mobile and inserted his sim .Actually with this mobile-tracking software when ever the batterry is out the mobile will send a message to the registered number. Similarly as soon as that fellow inserted his sim the phone send a message to Abhishek from that number and he got the number of that person.
After having some hotted discussion with the fellow, ultimately i was able to get my mobile back on the very next day morning. I was very happy and relaxed.

So this is something that the technology pay me back. Generally the person who picks up the mobile after throwing the sim will never imagine that he can be tracked. But with this technology whenever sim will be inserted a message will be sent to the mobile the number which is registered with the mobile-tracking software. So the thief is trapped. ;-)


  1. Wow...really of abhishek that he registered his number...even i purchased a samsung cell just now...i didnt knew this feature was available...will have to check if its there in my cell too...

  2. awesome !! true example of using technology to the fullest !!

  3. Good one!! Keep posting such insidents ,this we can implement in our real life :-)


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